I purchased 2 12L polykeg cocktails from National bars. The porn star martini and the espresso martini. Even though I’ve been asked to review the porn star martini as the event is not happening until next week, We haven’t actually opened it yet. However, to test our Lindr system and because the seal was slightly cracked on the espresso martini, we opened that one and put through the system.
If the quality and taste as anything to go by, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. The ease of connecting and going through the system is childsplay. as a mature woman just embarking on a small business I was apprehensive as to whether I would be able to cope with everything and I can honestly say the system set up the quality and the ease of connecting to these poly kegs is so simple. we had the chill factor set on four on the Lindr system, and that was just about right for the cocktail, possibly three, but I anticipate the ease of pulling a cocktail from the tap and serving it so much more easier than putting everything into a cocktail shaker and going through the theatre of mixing. These are mixed to perfection.